Jordana Mansbacher, Psy.D |


Dr. Jordana Mansbacher
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Licensed Clinical Social Work
Diplomate in Clinical Social Work

What's Eating You?

Featured therapist for a six episode eating disorder documentary on the E! channel and the Style Network titled “What’s Eating You?


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Speaking Engagements

Doctor Mansbacher gives talks and workshops at Elementary, Junior, and Senior High Schools for students and their parents about the growing epidemic of eating disorders and body image disturbances.


Dr. Mansbacher is a featured author
Coming Soon
Dr. Mansbacher's books will be available for purchase right here soon!


TV shows
What's Eating You? from E!
Interview from KTLA regarding What's Eating You?
The Hills (ep. 6) from MTV
The Hills (ep. 4) from MTV
1000 Ways to Die from Spike-TV

Radio Interviews
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